Introducing OptiLight , the New Treatment for Dry Eye

What Is the OptiLight by Lumenis & How Can It Manage Your Dry Eye?

Dry eye disease is a widespread and common issue for up to 49 million Americans. This chronic condition can have a significant impact on your quality of life, causing a foreign body sensation in your eyes, pain, blurry vision, and dry or watery eyes. Untreated, it can even lead to further eye health complications. 

Despite these constant detrimental effects on quality of life, many dry eye sufferers are not aware that they’re suffering from dry eye disease or that real treatments exist. Instead, they just live with the discomfort.

We take pride in customizing your treatment plan to help you overcome your specific dry eye symptoms. Dry eye is different for everybody, and our team takes the time to understand your individual needs and develop a plan backed by the latest in dry eye treatment technology.

We’re proud to offer OptiLight by Lumenis to our patients, specially designed for dry eye management.

What Is OptiLight by Lumenis?

OptiLight by Lumenis is a light-based, non-invasive treatment performed in the area below the eyes to manage dry eye and dry eye-related conditions. The first and only IPL (Intense Pulse Light) FDA-approved for dry eye management. It is also the most recent recipient of the 2022 MedTech Breakthrough Award for Best New Technology Solution!

The treatment is safe, gentle, and is backed by more than 20 clinical studies.

Light based, fast and effective, 15 minute dry eye treatment

How Does It Work?

OptiLight uses precise pulses of light to penetrate the delicate tissue around the eyes to produce heat. This heat in turn targets abnormal blood vessels that contribute to inflammation. The reduction in irritation on the ocular surface allows oil glands to increase production and flow. The result is brighter, less tired looking eyes and real relief!

This application can significantly relieve dry eye indicators and has a multi-factorial effect, including:

  • Increasing tear break-up time

  • Reducing the amount of Demodex mites and bacteria living around your eyes

  • Eliminating blood vessels that contribute to inflammation (ocular rosacea)

  • Improving meibomian gland functionality

Optilight also has amazing facial rejuvenation effects that address a range of skin concerns including rosacea, fine wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and much more.

What to Expect

Before Your Treatment

We screen every patient for dry eye during comprehensive exams with a questionnaire about every day signs and symptoms. To properly begin to treat your dry eye, we complete a full baseline assessment of your eye surface condition and tear health. We use advanced diagnostic equipment to scan the ocular surface and meibomian glands to the find the root cause of the condition. This also includes evaluating your eyelids for diseases like blepharitis, demodex and ocular rosacea.

To prepare for your consultation, make sure you arrive at your appointment without makeup and avoid using eye drops before.

During Your Treatment

This treatment is fast and simple. During the treatment your doctor will apply a coupling gel on the treatment area and cover your eyes with shields.

As light is applied to the skin, you may experience a warm sensation. The treatment is gentle with minimum discomfort and will only take 10–15 minutes.

OptiLight is often followed by meibomian gland expression.

After Your Treatment

After treatment, you can expect some mild redness along with a sunburn sensation that should go away within a few hours. Patients can usually resume normal daily activities the following day after treatment and are encouraged to use sunscreen on the treated area for 3–4 weeks.

Part of Your Custom Treatment Plan

An initial course of treatment typically includes 4 sessions spaced 2–4 weeks apart but may require more sessions depending on the chronicity of the individuals’ condition.

By understanding your unique dry eye condition and taking the time to work with you on your custom treatment plan, we can ensure a higher chance of success and bringing you the relief you need.

Will the OptiLight by Lumenis Work for Me? 

While OptiLight by Lumenis is an effective dry eye management solution, we want to make sure it’s right for you. We do not recommend this treatment if you:

  • Suffer from aqueous deficient dry eye (rather than evaporative dry eye or meibomian gland dysfunction)

  • Have a history of keloid scarring

  • Have severe scarring around your eyes

Ultimately, your doctor is the only person who can determine whether this option is right for you. During your next appointment, ask us if you are a good candidate for OptiLight by Lumenis.

You Don’t Have to Live With Dry Eye Anymore

This new treatment can restore quality of life and bring comfort to dry, irritated eyes. At the Dry Eye Clinic at Pioneer Optical, we use some of the latest technology to help diagnose dry eye and create a curated treatment plan tailored to your needs. Are you ready to see how Optilight can help you achieve freedom from dry eye? Book your appointment today!