Here at Pioneer, we have a philosophy of what vision care should be. We believe in taking our time to get things right the first time. We have created a thoughtful approach that tailors comprehensive care and the highest level of service to each individual in an intimate and relaxing setting.  



Comprehensive Eye Exams

Eye and vision examinations are an important part of preventive health care. Eye exams are crucial in making sure your eyes stay at their optimal health, besides helping you see better. Many systemic conditions cause eye and vision problems with no obvious signs or symptoms, so you might not even know a problem exists. Early diagnosis and treatment of these problems can help prevent vision loss, so annual exams are key.

Some symptoms of possible vision problems include blurred or double vision, light sensitivity, redness, headaches, eye pain, any itching, burning or discharge, or seeing halos/ floating spots.

Call us to schedule your exam today.


Frame Replacement

Sometimes accidents happen. We get it. It would be a shame to throw out the whole pair, you spent good money on your lenses! We can help you find a new frame that fits your original lenses and turn them into a brand "new" pair with the help of our in-house lab.


Progressive Lenses

Is switching between multiple pairs of glasses a day to see clearly getting old? Don't like those unsightly lines on bifocals? Then progressive lenses are for you.

These lenses have no lines and allow you to see at all ranges - distance (driving), intermediate (computer range), and near (reading). There are many types of progressive lenses and we are here to help you find the right one for your lifestyle.

With these types of lenses, fitting with precision is key. If fitting measurements are not taken correctly you may never be able adapt and experience symptoms of blurry vision, dizziness, and headache. Fortunately, with decades of experience, we custom fit progressive lenses to your unique vision and lifestyle needs. Meaning YOU see clearer with less effort.

Myopia control

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a refractive disease that is reaching epidemic proportions in children globally and is expected impact over half of the world’s population by 2050. Conventionally, this has been corrected with glasses and contacts but did you know it’s progression can actually be slowed to actually prevent it from getting too high? Find out how and if your child is good candidate today!

Contact Lenses

There are many types of contact lenses to choose from and your eyes deserve the best these medical devices have to offer. New lenses are always being designed to better improve both your vision and comfort. We'll help you find the ones that have that 'feels like wearing nothing' feeling.
