COVID-19 Update

We are keeping track of news and statistics around all variants of Covid-19. In this regard, we are maintaining safety protocols following the recommendations of the CDC to make your experience as safe as possible. The wellness of our associates, patients and the communities in which we serve is of the utmost importance to us. We do ask that if you are feeling unwell or experiencing any Covid symptoms (cold-like symptoms, sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever, any loss of taste or smell) that you refrain from coming to the office and reschedule your appointment with us. We will be re-evaluating this as the situation progresses.  

The following changes are being maintained:

  • The CDC still requires masks for all staff and patients in medical settings so we still ask patients to wear a mask during their visit to our office

  • Hand sanitizer is available for staff and patients

  • Thorough cleaning and disinfecting of all surfaces and instruments after each patient

  • Frame disinfecting process – germicidal UV cabinet

  • Removal of unnecessary touch-points like magazines and extra chairs

  • Contact lens & eyeglass curbside delivery available upon request


When you enter the office, we ask that you wear a mask and clean your hands using the provided hand sanitizer. You will keep your mask on throughout your appointment.

We are all in this together and appreciate your understanding as we do our part to provide eye care at this time. We look forward to serving your eye health care and optical needs!